Safety Compliance

At KEVCO, safety training and education are an integral part of our everyday operation; safety is the responsibility of every employee at all levels, and prevention of accidents or injuries starts with training—both in the classroom and on the job. OSHA and ANSI mandates and regulations are ever-changing, and KEVCO’s safety training program is constant, ongoing, and evolving with these changing regulations and mandates. All contractors who work on building exteriors, such as window cleaners, must fulfill new requirements designed to make a safer workplace environment, which protects the building owner from liability.
KEVCO’s Safety/Risk Management Program is comprehensive and includes:
- Tracking of changing OSHA requirements and updates in one place
- Cloud-based documentation filing system to retrieve safety guidelines information
- Monthly, company-wide classroom and on-the-job safety training to educate and enforce current safety policies and procedures and to promote new ideas in the workplace and on the job
- Window Cleaning Certification Program by IWCA (International Window Cleaning Association)
- Vendor equipment training seminars highlighting equipment use and procedures that include safe operation of equipment such as:
- Controlled descent equipment (including tie-back/roof rollers)
- Ground level and rooftop safety
- Suspended and tower scaffolding
- Pole work
- Ladders and ladder work safety
- Pressure cleaning safety and chemical use
- Accident prevention and rescue (including general first aid, CPR, and more)
Learn more about our Roof Anchor Installation & Certification
Learn more about our expertise in Fall Protection
Partnering with KEVCO on any project means your company is dedicated to all things safety—safety of our employees, safety of your employees, and general safe operations in and around the workplace. In over three decades of operation, KEVCO has never been investigated or cited by OSHA. Our outstanding safety reputation speaks for itself. At KEVCO, we are protected so YOU are protected.