OSHA Regulation
New OSHA Regulation that May Affect Your Building
KEVCO Guides Clients Through OSHA Compliance Process

Urgent OSHA Update: 11/2017
This is the latest update in response to the recent OSHA mandates on roof anchorage requirements in OSHA mandate CFR-1910.27. This memorandum acknowledges that due to the “due to a limited availability of qualified persons to inspect, test, and certify anchorages for RDS use, OSHA is providing employers and building owners additional time to comply with §1910.27(b)(1), provided that employers and building owners can demonstrate and document they are exercising due diligence to come into compliance with the standard’s requirements.” OSHA will evaluate on a case by case basis.
Employers performing services on a building may be affected when the building owners experience difficulties with compliance in a timely manner. OSHA will evaluate the extent of the contractor’s efforts to comply or not perform work at a property during the delay in establishing compliance.
- OSHA Regulation: https://www.osha.gov/walking-working-surfaces/index.html
- IWCA (International Window Cleaners Association) Statement –
Position Statement on OSHA Walking Working Surfaces Subpart D - BOMA – www.boma.org/
- Pro-Bel: www.pro-bel.ca
- Summit Anchor Company: www.summitanchor.com