How Parking Lot Maintenance Affects Your Property’s Curb Appeal
Curb appeal: a term associated with how attractive the exterior of a commercial or residential property appears. If you have good curb appeal in the residential real estate market, chances are your house will show well or sell easily. In the commercial market, having good curb appeal more than likely means your building can command higher rents from occupants who are interested in leasing. For these reasons, parking lot cleaning is one of the most important exterior maintenance services for your property.
If you want to learn more about the importance of parking lot maintenance or schedule parking lot cleaning in Washington, DC, Maryland, or Northern Virginia, contact us online or call (301) 258-9750 today!
Why Is Parking Lot Maintenance Important for Curb Appeal?
Business owners do not realize that curb appeal can also influence their customers’ perceptions about their business. A retail store that has great curb appeal is typically perceived as being better managed, cleaner, and more dependable than one that doesn’t. Owners and managers are perceived as more attentive and customer service-oriented.
Let’s say that you build a new retail store and you install a top-quality parking lot. Then, the property management firm doesn’t pay to reseal, clean, sweep, or even restripe the lots for a long, long time. Maybe they also ignore the cracks and potholes that have formed. No matter how nice the parking lot was initially, long before the first decade has passed, it has become unattractive or even unsafe. Instead of having curb appeal, it has become an eyesore.
Perception equals reality. The store’s potential customers perceive this business much differently than they would perceive one with well-maintained lots. They typically assume that the owner or manager of the business is sloppy, uncaring, and unreliable. Drivers know that a poorly maintained parking lot can present problems such as potholes and parking difficulties. And, if the parking lots have not been cleaned and swept from snow storms or an overabundance of leaves, then the curb appeal of the property has gone straight down the commode. What does the potential customer do? They may choose to take their business to a competitor who has a clean parking lot and cares about their property’s curb appeal.
What Are the Benefits of Cleaning & Sweeping Your Commercial Property’s Parking Lots?
Cleaning and sweeping parking lots not only gives your property the curb appeal you desire, but it also saves you money in the long run. Maintenance costs are significantly lower than replacement costs. Another item that we need to address is declining retail sales; this happens all the time with business owners that haven’t placed parking lot maintenance high enough on their list of priorities.
Parking lots take a beating even under the best conditions. Having a professional exterior maintenance company clean, sweep, and even scrub the surfaces of your parking lot can save money and improve your property’s curb appeal in the long run.
Schedule Parking Lot Cleaning in MD, DC & Northern VA
If you’re looking for an exterior maintenance company that can transform your parking lot and give your potential customers the lasting first impression you desire, get in touch with KEVCO Building Services. Since 1988, we’ve been providing business owners in the DC metro area with the exterior maintenance services their commercial properties need.
To learn more about our parking lot cleaning services or schedule an appointment with one of our exterior maintenance professionals in Maryland or Northern Virginia, contact us online or call (301) 258-9750 today!