How To Remove Chewing Gum From Concrete

We’ve all seen those dirty, black splotches on sidewalks everywhere. People chew gum, don’t know what to do with it, and just drop it: on the sidewalks when walking, on garage floors when parking, and a million other places. But the gum does not stop there. Many times, the gum gets stuck on the bottom of your shoes and the customer blames the business and its gross sidewalks! So, what exactly is the best way to remove chewing gum remnants from concrete surfaces? Let’s investigate.
Removing chewing gum is a common occurrence at many commercial properties. Besides being unsightly, it also invites others to follow suit and discard their gum on the sidewalk as well. Due to the chemical makeup of most chewing gum and the acidity of the saliva it’s covered in, chewing gum should be removed as soon as possible. The longer it’s left on concrete, the more likely it will leave a stain; in extreme cases, gum can even etch concrete. Gum on the sidewalk of any building is extremely unsightly, and it makes your business look filthy. When an entryway of a building is covered with gum, it may deter visitors. A clean, fresh look on the sidewalks will encourage people to patronize the business and discourage others from dropping their gum. How is this accomplished? The answer is pressure cleaning!
Best Way To Remove Gum From Concrete
Commercial pressure cleaning is the most effective way to remove gum from any concrete surface. Even when gum has remained on a concrete sidewalk for a long time, you might be wondering how much PSI is needed to remove the gum. It will pop right off with over 3,000 PSI of pressure — whether the water is hot or cold. Occasionally, a gum stain remains, which is a telltale sign that the gum has been on the ground a long time. There are also industrial scrapers that, along with the pressure cleaning, can scrape the gum off the concrete. Your business will look attractive and welcoming once again.
Schedule Chewing Gum Removal Services in Washington, DC & Surrounding Areas
Whether you are a business owner, property manager, or HOA board member, you can’t ignore the spots and stains on the concrete created by chewing gum around entrance areas. Boost your curb appeal and increase traffic into your business by calling a qualified pressure cleaning company to schedule your pressure cleaning today! And the next time you are chewing a piece of gum and your gum has lost its flavor, think twice before spitting your gum out onto the concrete sidewalk.
Tired of looking at the nasty gum spots outside your building? Call KEVCO at (301) 258-9750 or contact us online to schedule pressure cleaning in Washington, DC, and the surrounding areas today!