New OSHA Regulation That May Affect Your Building

KEVCO Guides Clients Through OSHA Compliance Process
There are thousands of responsible property managers across the country whose job it is to manage the millions of buildings in the growing metropolis of business districts. And, chances are, if you’re reading this article, you are one of the property managers who can be counted amongst those responsible.
Along with the growing number of responsibilities property managers have, no matter what size portfolio they manage, a critical component is dealing with safety for contractors that perform services to the exterior of the buildings you manage.
There have been significant changes to the final ruling on walking-working surface regulations that affect almost every building and property manager. We have the latest news right here that is a must-read.
On Nov. 17, 2016, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) published the ruling for walking-working surfaces, which became effective Jan. 20, 2017, and must be met by building owners and contractors. This final OSHA ruling affects equipment and buildings that don’t currently have safe access.
OSHA lays out guidelines for building owners to provide certifiable and identifiable anchor systems, personal fall protection to workers using scaffolding, and RDS (rope descent systems) on a building. The mandate allows one year from the publication of the new regulation to become compliant.
In total support of all guidelines, exterior service companies — such as KEVCO Building Services — are committed to safety as their number one concern. To that end, we have instituted a plan of action to guide you through the process, so both you and your building are protected.
KEVCO is partnering with engineering consultants and anchor companies like Pro-Bel and Summit Anchor Company to facilitate solutions to assure your building complies with the new OSHA regulations. We’ll be involved in all phases of development of the compliance plan, from pre-planning to the final installation of roof anchors (if necessary). It’s our commitment to provide the safest worksite possible for our employees and your building.
KEVCO’s commitment and sole intent is to provide the safest, no-nonsense resolution to protect our customers. While performing services for any of our clients, we’ll identify which buildings will be affected by the regulation and then confer with our consultants and anchor companies on a comprehensive plan to meet our clients’ needs. We understand the timeline is short, but rest assured this collaborative effort will provide the safest solution for all of you.
This could be a huge transition process for some buildings, and regardless of whichever exterior contractor or engineering firm you choose to contract with, this transition process can be a smooth one. The key is to find the safest resolution to the new OSHA ruling.
To read further about OSHA’s final ruling, please refer to the valuable links below: