7 Reasons It’s Important to Clean Your Gutters in Early Spring

While springtime brings blooming flowers and beautiful, green foliage, it also means that the time to begin exterior home maintenance is fast approaching. One task that is often overlooked is gutter cleaning.
Gutter cleaning is a critical part of maintaining your home. As a residential home service company, we often hear that homeowners often push gutter cleaning to the bottom of the list of things to take care of promptly. They often wait to get their gutters cleaned until they notice a problem such as clogs from leaves and debris, or the weight of debris pulling gutters away from the roofline. Unfortunately, this is like waiting to lower your cholesterol until you have a heart attack!
Fortunately, KEVCO Home Services has been providing residential exterior maintenance services for over 30 years, and we can make this task easier for you. We’ve put together seven crucial reasons why it’s important to keep your gutter system cleaned out.
If your home is in need of gutter cleaning services, don’t wait until it’s too late! Call KEVCO Home Services at (301) 258-9750 today or contact us online to schedule an appointment!
Risks of Putting Off Gutter Cleaning
Many problems can arise from debris building up in your gutters, and the best advice is to hire a professional to get the job done right the first time. If water cannot properly flow away from your house, then costly damage can result, from your roof to drywall to your home’s foundation. Here are some reasons you should tackle your gutter cleaning as soon as springtime sets in:
- Roof damage: When leaves and other debris clog up your gutters to the point where water is overflowing from the top, you can end up having roof rot issues from standing water.
- Pest infestation: Clogged gutters can be extremely appealing to several critters as a potential “nesting” site. From squirrels to mosquitoes to birds to bats, piles of leaves can be very alluring.
- Damage to fascia board: The fascia board is the pieces of flat wood that run behind all your gutters. The fascia board is an important component of your gutter system, and this wood rot is often overlooked. Overflowing water can damage the fascia board.
- Overwatering flower beds: If your gutters become clogged to the point that water is spilling out over the gutters themselves directly on your flower beds, you can damage the plants’ health by drowning them. Overwatering can be just as harmful as not watering enough.
- Cracks in foundation: If water overflows and pools along your home’s foundation, it can end up freezing and then thawing, causing harmful expanding and contracting, which can generate cracks in your foundation.
- Damage to brackets: The weight of leaves and debris in your gutters can cause undue stress on the brackets that hold up the gutters, which can damage the brackets and make the gutters pull away from the house.
- Dreaded drywall damage: With overflowing gutters, water can potentially leak inside the home and run down the drywall, causing unsightly damage. This is the number one problem we’ve seen in residential gutter cleaning. Basements and lower levels are particularly susceptible to damaged drywall.
Don’t stress over clogged gutters – let our team of professionals tackle your gutters for you! Call KEVCO Home Services at (301) 258-9750 today or contact us online to schedule your gutter cleaning services!
Protect Your Home from Clogged Gutter Damage
For most people, necessary maintenance to keep your home in prime condition can feel like a burden. However, your home is a big investment, and keeping it looking and operating at peak performance is a great way to protect that investment, especially if you plan on selling your home one day.
Do yourself a huge favor and clean your gutters out at least twice a year to prevent any damage to the exterior or interior of your home. If the task of cleaning out your gutters feels overwhelming, let the professionals at KEVCO home services take care of it for you. Our team of licensed and insured experts will get the job done quickly, so you can get back to what you enjoy!
If you need help cleaning your home’s gutters, call the experts at KEVCO today at (301) 258-9750 or contact us online to schedule your gutter cleaning services!